
This is a guide on how to install Arch Linux for beginner Linux users. This guide assumes that you are brand new to Linux and have no experience. If however you have already used Linux before, but still consider yourself a begginner (E.g. maybe you've already tried a couple of distros), then you can still follow this guide, and skip anything you might already know. This guide is also going to assume that you aren't necessarily tech-savvy.

Before using Arch

Before you use Arch, there are some things that you need to consider however. Arch is a good, flexible and fun distro to use. However, it is not right for everyone. And you need to have the proper mindset and expectations going into Arch:

1. You need to be willing to learn.
2. You need to expect that there might issues, and be willing to problem solve to fix them.
3. You need to be willing to set things up yourself and ocassionally manually intervein with updates.